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  6. Yonezawa Beef

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  1. Hit the Road with the “Yamagata Autumn …

  2. “Yamagata Craft 2024″September 13…

  3. Tengen-dai Plateau “Ropeway Sunset Crui…

  4. Yonezawa City “Hoonji Treasure Exhibiti…

  5. Yonezawa Special Products ExhibitionSeptember…

  6. “Ishinomaki Region Tourism and Local Pr…

  7. Notice of Change in Opening Time for Paid Vie…

  8. Abundant Autumn at Tengendai: ‘Autumn F…

  9. 11th Nasebanaru Autumn Festival Flyer

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  11. 15th Yonezawa Don-Don Festival to be held on …

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15th Yonezawa Don-Don Festival to be held on September 28th (Saturday) and 29th (Sunday)!

As part of the “Naseba Naru Autumn Festival” taking place on September 28th (Saturday) and 29th (Sunday), the “Yonezawa Don-Don Festival” will be held on both days!

This year marks the 15th edition of the festival, featuring 10 vendors offering 13 different dishes. On the event days, we will have regular bowls priced at 650 yen each and special bowls at 1,300 yen each.

The menu will prominently feature Yonezawa beef, with various dishes such as steak bowls, beef stew bowls, and a unique bowl created in collaboration between students from Yonezawa Commercial High School and Uesugi Shrine. This special bowl, inspired by the “ABC of Yonezawa,” includes curry with apple, Yonezawa beef, koi, and safflower.

Please note that each dish is available in limited quantities and will be sold out as soon as they are gone!

We invite you to come to the venue!

◇ Date and Time: September 28th (Saturday) and 29th (Sunday)

10:00 AM – 3:00 PM (both days)

◇ Venue: Special Booth in Front of Denkoku no Mori (Tent)

※ Due to limited parking around the venue, please use the shuttle bus from Yonezawa City Hall.

◇ Ticket: 1,300 yen (includes 2 exchange tickets, 1 lottery ticket, and a 100 yen discount voucher for the Mashiko Pottery Fair)

※ Tickets will be sold at the venue.

※ You can win luxurious prizes (such as hot spring accommodation vouchers, Yonezawa beef gift certificates, and more) through the lottery—no empty prizes!

◇ Contact: Naseba Naru Autumn Festival Committee (within the Yonezawa Tourism and Convention Association) TEL: 0238-21-6226 / FAX: 0238-22-2042
