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  1. Hit the Road with the “Yamagata Autumn …

  2. “Yamagata Craft 2024″September 13…

  3. Tengen-dai Plateau “Ropeway Sunset Crui…

  4. Yonezawa City “Hoonji Treasure Exhibiti…

  5. Yonezawa Special Products ExhibitionSeptember…

  6. “Ishinomaki Region Tourism and Local Pr…

  7. Notice of Change in Opening Time for Paid Vie…

  8. Abundant Autumn at Tengendai: ‘Autumn F…

  9. 11th Nasebanaru Autumn Festival Flyer

  10. 30th Anniversary of the Sister City Relations…

  11. 15th Yonezawa Don-Don Festival to be held on …

  12. Soumokutou Community Seminar & Soumokutou…


“1st Yonenzawa Sengoku Fireworks Festival: Citizen Discount Tickets on Sale Starting September 1 (General Ticket Sales Start August 10)”

Experience Top-Notch Entertainment from “Ikebun,” Awarded the Excellence Prize and the Prime Minister’s Award at the Omagari National Fireworks Competition!

Don’t miss out on our special citizen discount tickets!

Event Details:

1st Yonenzawa Sengoku Fireworks Festival

Date: October 12, 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 18:30 (Fireworks Start)
Venue: Yonezawa City Baseball Stadium (Minagawa Stadium)

Citizen Discount Ticket Sales:

Sale Period: September 1, 2024 (Sunday) – October 11, 2024 (Friday)
Note: Limited to Yonezawa residents, first 500 tickets available.

  • Kenshin Seat (Behind the Net in the Stadium): 350 seats
    Special Citizen Price: ¥5,000 per seat (Regular Price: ¥8,000)
  • Kagekatsu Seat (Pair Seats in the Stadium): 150 pairs
    Special Citizen Price: ¥10,000 per pair (Regular Price: ¥16,000)

Permanent Sales Locations:

  • Yonezawa City Hall, Tourism Division (2nd Floor, Window 5): Weekdays only, 9:00 – 17:00
    TEL: 0238-22-5111
  • Yonezawa Chamber of Commerce: Weekdays only, 9:00 – 17:00
    TEL: 0238-21-5111
  • Yonezawa Tourism & Convention Association (Rinsenkan): Weekends and holidays included, 9:00 – 17:00
    TEL: 0238-21-6226
  • Roadside Station Yonezawa Comprehensive Tourist Information Center: Weekends and holidays included, 9:00 – 18:00
    TEL: 0238-40-8400

General Ticket Sales:

Sale Period: August 10, 2024 (Saturday) 00:00 – until the day of the event (first-come, first-served basis, while supplies last)

How to Purchase Tickets:
Tickets can be purchased online. Click the “Purchase Tickets” button to proceed to the “e+ (eplus)” ticket sales page and complete your purchase.
Note: Tickets will not be sold at the venue on the day of the event. Please purchase tickets in advance online.
Important: Be sure to review the guidelines before purchasing tickets.

Official Website for Yonenzawa Sengoku Fireworks: [Link]


Yonenzawa Sengoku Fireworks Festival Executive Committee (Yonezawa Shiki no Matsuri Committee Secretariat)
TEL: 0238-21-6226
