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  7. 米織物

    Souvenirs & Crafts

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  10. Ski Resorts

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  12. Upon arrival in Yonezawa

  1. Tourism Spots

  2. Famous and Historic Spots

  3. Museums

  4. Local Crafts and Specialties

  5. Activities

  6. Yonezawa Beef

  7. Hot Spring Inns

  8. Hotels and Accommodation

  9. Tourism Information Center

  10. Historical Figures

  1. Tourism Pamphlet Download

  2. Experience Yonezawa through video

  3. Yonezawa Photo Gallery

  1. Hit the Road with the “Yamagata Autumn …

  2. “Yamagata Craft 2024″September 13…

  3. Tengen-dai Plateau “Ropeway Sunset Crui…

  4. Yonezawa City “Hoonji Treasure Exhibiti…

  5. Yonezawa Special Products ExhibitionSeptember…

  6. “Ishinomaki Region Tourism and Local Pr…

  7. Notice of Change in Opening Time for Paid Vie…

  8. Abundant Autumn at Tengendai: ‘Autumn F…

  9. 11th Nasebanaru Autumn Festival Flyer

  10. 30th Anniversary of the Sister City Relations…

  11. 15th Yonezawa Don-Don Festival to be held on …

  12. Soumokutou Community Seminar & Soumokutou…


360° Yonezawa Open Factory will be held from September 12 (Thursday) to September 14 (Saturday)!

The “360° Yonezawa Open Factory,” a regional event that began last year and is now in its second edition, will be held across various locations in Yonezawa City.

This special three-day event will showcase traditional craftsmanship, including Yonezawa weaving, fermentation, brewing, woodworking, and more.

Experience factory tours not usually open to the public, participate in various workshops, and enjoy a comprehensive 360° exploration of Yonezawa.

We invite you to come and visit!

360° Yonezawa Open Factory

  • Dates: September 12 (Thursday), 13 (Friday), 14 (Saturday), 2024
  • Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Note: Availability times may vary by venue.
  • Locations: Various participating companies in the city, Yonezawa Weaving Museum (Main Headquarters)
  • Participating Companies: 23 companies (15 in Yonezawa weaving, 4 in fermentation/brewing, 4 in woodworking) and local eateries
  • Features: Factory tours, workshops, interactive evening events, tours, collaborative menus, product sales, and more

For more details, visit the official website: 360° Yonezawa Open Factory
