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  3. Yonezawa Photo Gallery

  1. Hit the Road with the “Yamagata Autumn …

  2. “Yamagata Craft 2024″September 13…

  3. Tengen-dai Plateau “Ropeway Sunset Crui…

  4. Yonezawa City “Hoonji Treasure Exhibiti…

  5. Yonezawa Special Products ExhibitionSeptember…

  6. “Ishinomaki Region Tourism and Local Pr…

  7. Notice of Change in Opening Time for Paid Vie…

  8. Abundant Autumn at Tengendai: ‘Autumn F…

  9. 11th Nasebanaru Autumn Festival Flyer

  10. 30th Anniversary of the Sister City Relations…

  11. 15th Yonezawa Don-Don Festival to be held on …

  12. Soumokutou Community Seminar & Soumokutou…


Minami-Hara Art Walk 2024 – Explore Art and the Town in Minami-Hara – Held from September 21 (Saturday) to September 29 (Sunday)! (Free Admission)

The Minami-Hara Art Walk is a cultural and artistic project that began in the Minami-Hara area of Yonezawa City, where many artists live and work.

Our goal is to rediscover and share the historical, cultural, and artistic values within the rich natural environment of Minami-Hara, and to create a vibrant community where everyone can thrive.

This year’s theme is “Hare to Ke – Bright and Everyday.” “Hare” refers to the extraordinary, such as ceremonies, festivals, and special events, while “Ke” represents the ordinary, everyday life.

Surrounded by Mount Azuma and Mount Nakayama, Minami-Hara is a region with distinct seasons and a tranquil atmosphere that makes you lose track of time.

For the residents of Minami-Hara, what is extraordinary and what is ordinary, and for visitors, what is extraordinary and what is ordinary.

The presence of the ordinary highlights the extraordinary, and experiencing the extraordinary makes us cherish the ordinary even more.

Art and Minami-Hara. Hare to Ke.

In its fourth year, the Minami-Hara Art Walk aims to make both the extraordinary and the ordinary experiences special for everyone.

We look forward to your visit!

  • Dates: September 21 (Saturday) – September 29 (Sunday), 2024
  • Locations: Minami-Hara Community Center and various locations throughout the Minami-Hara area

For more details, please visit the Minami-Hara Art Walk website.
