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    Souvenirs & Crafts

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  6. Yonezawa Beef

  7. Hot Spring Inns

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  10. Historical Figures

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  1. Notice from Tengen-dai Highland (Regarding Op…

  2. 2025 Yonezawa Uesugi Festival – Recruit…

  3. 2025 Yonezawa Uesugi Festival – Recruit…

  4. 2025 Yonezawa Uesugi Festival – Recruit…

  5. Tengendai Highland “Ningyoishi Snowshoe…

  6. Tengendai Update 2025″ to be held from …

  7. “Plarail Yonezawa Station” is rec…

  8. The 48th Uesugi Snow Lantern Festival “…

  9. 48th Uesugi Snow Lantern Festival[Held on Sat…

  10. The 48th Uesugi Snow Lantern Festival “…

  11. 40th Annual Western Snow Festival ‘Wint…

  12. Uesugi Snow Lantern Festival Related Event: &…

Cancellation of the 2021 Uesugi Snow Lantern Festival (汉语・한국어)

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 Uesugi Snow Lantern Festival that was planned to occur during the weekend of February 13-14 has been cancelled. With the health and safety of visitors and participants in the festival being of utmost priority, the decision was made to cancel the event.

We know that many were looking forward to the festival, but we hope that you will understand why this difficult decision was made.

Although the festival has been cancelled, we ask for the help of businesses, schools, and other groups, along with individual households in Yonezawa, in building small snow lanterns (“yuki bonbori”) to light up the city, showing the hope of the people of Yonezawa.


제44회 우에스기 설등롱 마쓰리의(눈 축제) 개최 중지에 대하여

레이와3년2월13일(토)~2월14일(일)에 개최를 예정했던「제44회 우에스기 마쓰리」는、신형코로나바이러스 감염증 확대 상황을 감안하여、내장자나 관계자의 건강과 안전을 최우선으로 고려하여、개최 중지를 결정했습니다。

마쓰리를 기대하고 있던 여러분들에게는、대단히 폐를 끼쳐 미안합니다만、이해해 주시기를 부탁드립니다。

또한、축제는 취소되지만、시내를 희망의 등불로 비추기 위해、시내 기업이나 학교、단체、또、각 가정에서의 눈 등롱 제작에 협력해 주시기를 부탁드립니다。





